
The following enumerators are defined within the scope of the structure message.

Message Description
accent_character This message is posted to the window with the input focus when the function translate_message transforms the key up message for an accent character.
activate This message is sent to top-level windows that are being activated or deactivated.
activate_application This message is sent to the application that is to be activated and to the application that is to be deactivated.
activate_child This message is sent to a multiple document interface child window when the parent is activated, moved or scaled.
cancel_journal This message is posted to the queue of applications when the system is cancelling journal hook processing.
cancel_mode This message is sent to the window with the focus when a dialog box or message box is displayed.
character This message is posted to the window with the input focus when the function translate_message transforms a key down message.
character_to_item This message is sent to the owner of a list box with style listbox_style::keyboard_input, when the list box receives a character message.
clear This message removes selected text.
clipboard_chain_changed This message is sent to the first window in the clipboard viewer chain when a window is being removed.
clipboard_format_name This message is sent by a clipboard viewer window to the owner of the clipboard to request the name of an owner display format.
close This message is sent to the window as a request to terminate.
color_button This message is sent to the parent of a button, prior to rendering of the button's text. It offers the parent the opportunity to change the text color and the background color.
color_dialog This message is sent to a dialog, prior to drawing the dialog window. It offers the dialog the opportunity to change the text color and the background color.
color_display This message is sent to the parent of a display control, prior to rendering of its text. It offers the parent the opportunity to change the text color and the background color.
color_edit This message is sent to the parent of an edit field, prior to rendering the text in the control. It offers the parent the opportunity to change the text color and the background color.
color_listbox This message is sent to the parent of a list box, prior to rendering the text in the control. It offers the parent the opportunity to change the text color and the background color.
color_message_box This message is sent to owner of a message box, prior to the message box being drawn. It offers the owner the opportunity to change the text color and the background color.
color_scrollbar This message is sent to the parent of a scroll bar, prior to rendering the scroll bar. It offers the parent the opportunity to change the background color.
command This message is sent when an item is selected from a menu, when a control notifies its parent of an event or when an accelerator keystroke is translated.
compacting This message is sent to all top level windows when the system is running low on memory.
compare_item This message is sent to the owner of a listbox with style listbox_style::sort or the owner of a combobox with style combobox_style::sort when an item is being inserted into the control.
copy This message places selected text in the clipboard.
copy_data This message passes data to a target window.
create This message is sent during the window creation process.
cut This message removes selected text and places it in the clipboard.
delete_item This message is sent to the owner of a list box or combo box when an item is being deleted.
destroy This message is sent to a window that is being destroyed.
destroy_clipboard This message is sent to the owner of the clipboard when it is being emptied.
device_change This message is used to signify a change to the computer's hardware.
device_mode_change This message is sent to all top-level windows when changes are made to the device mode settings.
dialog_initialized This message is posted to a dialog after it has been intialized.
display_change This message is sent to all windows when the display resolution has been changed.
draw_clipboard This message is sent to first viewer in the clipboard viewer chain when the contents of the clipboard are changed.
draw_item This message is sent to the owner of an owner-draw control when repainting is required.
drop_files This message is sent when files are dropped on the window.
enable This message is sent to a window that is being enabled or disabled.
end_session This message is received by the window when the operating system is being shutdown.
enter_idle This message is sent to the owner of a modal dialog or menu when there are no messages waiting in the queue.
enter_menu_loop This message informs the main window of an application that a modal message loop for a menu has been entered.
enter_size_move This message occurs when a sizing or moving modal loop is being entered.
erase_background This message is sent when the background of the window requires repainting.
erase_icon_background This message is used to erase the background of an icon prior to it being painted.
exit_menu_loop This message informs the main window of an application that a modal message loop for a menu has been exited.
exit_size_move This message occurs when a sizing or moving modal loop is being exited.
font_change An application sends this message to all windows when it changes a font resource.
get_dialog_code This message is sent to controls within a dialog to determine the type of input they accept. Based upon the response, the system interprets certain types of input as navigation within the dialog.
get_font This message is sent to a window to obtain a handle of the font currently being used by the window.
get_hotkey This message obtains the hotkey associated with the window.
get_min... This message is sent to a window that is about to change its size or position.
get_new_palette This message is sent to a window when it is about to receive the input focus.
get_text This message is used to query the text of the window.
get_text_length This message is used to obtain the length of the window text.
horizontal_scroll This message is sent when a scroll event occurs in a horizontal scroll bar.
horizontal_scroll_clipboard This message is sent to the owner of the clipboard by a viewer window when a horizontal scroll event occurs.
hotkey This message is posted when a registered hot key is pressed.
initialize_dialog This message is sent to a dialog prior to it being displayed.
initialize_menu This message is sent to the owner of a menu when the menu is about to be activated.
initialize_popup_menu This message is sent to the owner of a submenu or popup menu when the menu is about to be activated.
key_down This message is posted to the window with the input focus when a non-system key is depressed.
key_up This message is posted to the window with the input focus when a non-system key is released.
left_button_double_click This message is posted when the left button of the mouse is double clicked.
left_button_down This message is posted when the left button of the mouse is depressed.
left_button_up This message is posted when the left button of the mouse is released.
measure_item This message is sent to the window that owns one of the owner-draw controls of type button, list box, combo box, list view or menu when the control is being created.
menu_character This message is sent to the owner of a menu when the menu is active and a key that does not correspond to a mnemonic or accelerator has been pressed.
middle_button_double_click This message is posted when the middle button of the mouse is double clicked.
middle_button_down This message is posted when the middle button of the mouse is depressed.
MiddleButtonUp This message is posted when the middle button of the mouse is released.
mouse_activate This message is received when the mouse is used to activate an inactive window.
mouse_move This message is posted to a window when the cursor is moved.
mouse_wheel This message is sent to the window with the focus when the mouse wheel is rotated.
move This message is sent to a client window after it has been moved.
moving This message is sent to a window that is being moved.
multidocument_activate This message is used to change the active multiple document child window.
multidocument_arrange_icon This message is sent to a multiple document client window to cause it to rearrange its minimized child windows.
multidocument_cascade This message is sent to a multiple document client window to cause it to arrange its child windows in a cascaded fashion.
multidocument_create This message is sent to a multiple document child window when it is being created.
multidocument_destroy This message is sent to a multiple document child window, indicating that the child window is being closed.
multidocument_get_active This message is sent to a multiple document client window to obtain a handle of the currently active child window.
multidocument_maximize This message causes a multiple document child window to be maximized.
multidocument_refresh_menu This message is sent to a multiple document client window to cause it to refresh its system menu.
multidocument_next This message activates the next or the previous multiple document child window.
multidocument_retore This message is used to restore (from the minimized or maximized state) a multiple document child window.
multidocument_set_menu This message is sent to a multiple document client window to set the menu bar or the system menu (or both).
multidocument_tile This message is sent to a multiple document client window to cause it to arrange its child windows in a tiled fashion.
next_dialog_control This message is sent to a dialog function to change the input focus to a different control.
nonclient_activate This message is sent when a window is being activated or deactiveated.
nonclient_calculate_size This message is sent when calculating the new size and position of the client area, when the window is changing its size or position.
nonclient_create This message is sent during the window creation process.
nonclient_destroy This message is sent to a window when its non-client portion is being destroyed.
nonclient_hit_test This message is sent to a window when the cursor moves or when a mouse button is pressed or released.
nonclient_left_button_double_click This message is posted to the window when the left mouse button is double clicked with the mouse being over the non-client area of the window.
nonclient_left_button_down This message is posted to the window when the left mouse button is depressed with the mouse being over the non-client area of the window.
nonclient_left_button_up This message is posted to the window when the left mouse button is released with the mouse being over the non-client area
nonclient_middle_button_double_click This message is posted to the window when the middle mouse button is double clicked with the mouse being over the non-client area of the window.
nonclient_middle_button_down This message is posted to the window when the middle mouse button is depressed with the mouse being over the non-client area of the window.
nonclient_middle_button_up This message is posted to the window when the middle mouse button is released with the mouse being over the non-client area of the window.
nonclient_mouse_move This message is posted to a window when the cursor is moved over the non-client area of the window.
nonclient_paint This message is sent when the frame portion of a window requires painting.
nonclient_right_button_double_click This message is posted to the window when the right mouse button is double clicked with the mouse being over the non-client area of the window.
nonclient_right_button_down This message is posted to the window when the right mouse button is depressed with the mouse being over the non-client area of the window. of the window.
nonclient_right_button_up This message is posted to the window when the right mouse button is released with the mouse being over the non-client area of the window.
notify This message notifies the parent of a control of an event.
notify_parent This message is sent to the parent of child windows to notify of an event.
notify_format This message determines whether a control is using a single or double byte character set.
null The null message.
paint This message is posted to a window when painting is required.
paint_clipboard This message is sent to the owner of the clipboard by a viewer window when formats of the type clipboard_format::owner_display are present. The owner is expected to repaint the display of the viewer.
paint_icon This message is used to paint icons for earlier versions of the operating system.
palette_changed This message is sent to all top level windows when an application that is gaining the input focus realizes its logical color palette.
palette_is_changing This message informs the window that another application is realizing its logical color palette.
paste This message inserts clipboard text at the current caret position.
power This message is sent to the main windows in the system when the system is about to be suspended due to power conservation. This message is obselete and has been superseded by the message power_broadcast.
power_broadcast This message is sent to windows when a power related event has occurred.
query_drag_icon This message queries the icon to be used when dragging a minimized window.
query_open This message is sent to a minimized window when it is about to be restored.
query_session_end This message is received when the operating system is being shutdown.
queue_synchronize This message is sent by a computer based training application. It is used to separate messages generated by a journal playback hook from standard input messages.
quit The message quit is posted in order to perform termination of the message loop.
remove_focus This message is sent to a window prior to it losing the keyboard focus.
render_format This message is sent to the owner of the clipboard to request it to render a specific format.
render_all_formats This message is sent to the owner of the clipboard prior to the owner being destroyed.
right_button_double_click This message is posted when the right button of the mouse is double clicked.
right_button_down This message is posted when the right button of the mouse is depressed.
right_button_up This message is posted when the right button of the mouse is released.
select_menu This message is sent to the owner of a menu when an item is selected.
set_cursor This message is sent when the cursor is moved within a window via mouse interaction.
set_focus This message is sent to a window subsequent to it gaining the keyboard focus.
set_font This message may be used by an application to set the font in which text is rendered.
set_hotkey This message associates a hotkey with the window to which this message is sent.
set_redraw This message is used to allow or disallow updates to a window.
set_text This message is used to set the text of a window.
show This message is sent to a window when it is about to be made visible or about to be hidden.
size This message is sent after a window has been scaled.
size_clipboard This message is sent to the owner of the clipboard by a viewer window when the size of the viewer's client window has changed.
sizing This message is sent to a window that is being sized.
spooler_status This message is sent by the print manager whenever a job is added to or removed from the print queue.
system_accent_character This message is posted to the window with the input focus when the function translate_message transforms a key down message for an accent character pressed with the alt key down.
system_character This message is posted to the window with the input focus when the function translate_message transforms a system key down message.
system_color_change This message is sent to all top-level windows when a change is made to the system color settings.
system_command This message is generated by the selection of items in a system menu or by a maximize or minimize button.
system_key_down This message is posted to the window with the input focus when a system key is depressed.
system_key_up This message is posted to the window with the input focus when a system key is released.
time_change An application sends this message to all top-level windows when it changes the system time.
timer This message is posted to the message queue of the thread that installed the timer when it times out.
undo This message undoes the most recent operation in an edit field.
vertical_scroll This message is sent when a scroll event occurs in a vertical scroll bar.
vertical_scroll_clipboard This message is sent to the owner of the clipboard by a viewer window when a vertical scroll event occurs.
virtual_key_to_item This message is sent to the owner of a list box with style listbox_style::keyboard_input upon receipt of the message key_down.
window_position_changed This message is sent to a window to notify it that its position, size or z-order has changed.
window_position_changing This message is sent to a window to notify it that its position, size or z-order is changing.