
bool alpha_blend(handle destination,
                 int destination_x,
                 int destination_y,
                 int destination_width,
                 int destination_height,
                 handle source,
                 int source_x,
                 int source_Y,
                 int source_width,
                 int source_height,
                 blend_function blend)

This function displays a bitmap containing transparent or semi-transparent pixels.


handle destination

The handle of the destination device context.

int destination_x

The x-coordinate (in logical units) of the upper left corner of the destination rectangle.

int destination_y

The y-coordinate (in logical units) of the upper left corner of the destination rectangle.

int destination_width

The width (in logical units) of the destination rectangle.

int destination_height

The height (in logical units) of the destination rectangle.

handle source

The handle of the source device context.

int source_x

The x-coordinate (in logical units) of the upper left corner of the source rectangle.

int source_y

The y-coordinate (in logical units) of the upper left corner of the source rectangle.

int source_width

The width (in logical units) of the source rectangle.

int source_height

The height (in logical units) of the source rectangle.

blend_function blend

A pointer to an object defining the applicable alpha blending functions.



true The function succeeded.
false The call failed.


When the source and destination rectangles differ in size, the source bitmap is transformed to match the destination rectangle.

The source coordinates are subject to the current transformation in the source device context. Likewise, the destination coordinates are subject to the current transformation in the destination device context.

When the color formats of the device contexts differ, a color conversion is performed.

If any of the specified width and height values are negative, this function will fail.